How to know your Airbus from Boeing

I’ve always wanted to know the differences between the planes commercial airlines use and this post has an extensive explanation of that! After a little while, I was able to at least tell the general differences between Airbus and Boeing. It’ll take me a while to fully understand all the different classes and their names, but hey, baby steps!

Arun Rajagopal

Many of us admire airplanes for the graceful, elegant and sleek flying machines that they are.

How many of you have wondered about the type or kind of the aircraft that you are traveling in or flying over you in the sky? Is it a Boeing or an Airbus? Is it an A330 or a B777?

Here’s a simple aircraft identification guide for those with a budding interest in aviation. I’ll try to make this post as visual as possible since plane-spotting works best by observing as many different types of aircraft as possible and drawing your own inferences. Now sit back, relax and enjoy this journey!

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